Ninja Excel BlogTraining for CompaniesCursos Sence: Accede a los mejores cursos 

Cursos Sence: Accede a los mejores cursos 

Cursos Sence

Durante todo el año, el Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo, Sence, tiene disponible un abanico de ofertas de capacitaciones en todas las áreas. Estos pueden ser gratuitos tanto para personas como para empresas. 

Currently, there are more than 300 free courses available for people. Meanwhile, there are also more than 5000 courses for companies. Los cursos pueden ser financiados sin costo si acceden al beneficio llamado Franquicia Tributaria. 

En el siguiente artículo de Ninja Excel, te entregaremos una guía de utilidad para que encuentres el o los cursos Sence que necesites. ¡Sigue leyendo!

Requisitos Cursos Sence para empresas 

Generally, Sence courses have a number of requirements. This depends on the line of training that the person or company is looking for. 

Companies in general  

Doubts are common regarding the requirements for companies to access the courses that Sence has on its platform. In reality, companies must meet the requirements for the benefit known as Tax Exemption. 

The Tax Exemption is a discount on the income tax that companies pay annually. In this way, they can allocate up to 1% of the annual payroll for training expenses authorized by Sence. 

Ninja Fact: If you want to know more details about how this tax benefit works, you can visit this article regarding Sence support for companies

Cursos Sence para empresas

Sence presenta sus cursos en dos escenarios:

  1. Workers who want their company to train them for a particular area, knowledge or skill. 
  2. Companies that need to train a large number of workers.

Whatever the cases, if you are a worker or a company looking to make a training, you can go to the page Choose Best Sence. Here you just have to go down to the Search for Business Courses section. 

Cursos Sence para empresas

Once there, you look for some topic, skill, knowledge or competence that you need to train. For example, we look for the word “cursos excel sence” para saber si hay cursos Sence. 

Cursos Excel Sence

Just looking for this one type of training, nos encontramos con más de 2.000 cursos disponibles. On the same platform we can filter according to: 

  • Modality: Distance, e-learning or in person.
  • Regiones donde se ha impartido el curso: In this filter, you can select the region where the course is taught. It can be useful if you want to train workers from a particular region. 
  • Times taught: Represents the number of times that the course has been carried out by the Technical Training Organizations (OTEC). 
  • Duration of hours: You can filter by the minimum or maximum hours. 
  • Cost per person: Es el valor que tendrá la participación por cada persona que lo cursará. 

Ninja Fact: You can combine the filters that you need best. While more specific you can be, the faster you will find the course you need. 

When selecting the training program of our preference, only We must send our contact information. 

Requisitos Cursos Sence para personas en general

The requirements for people's training vary depending on the course line. Generally, the most frequent requirements would be: 

    • Depending on the line of training, the application age varies. This can be between 16 or 18 years old. 
    • Complete secondary education desirable. 

    • Have a Unique Code provided by the state of Chile. 
    • In most courses, the person is required to enter 60% of the most vulnerable people in the Social Registry of Households (RSH). For some courses, this requirement is extended to 80% in the RSH depending on the region.

Ninja Fact: Some of these requirements may be expanded or will change depending on the course line to be applied for.

What deadlines exist to apply for courses?

In the case of individuals, depending on the program in which they will participate, the application period may vary. On a monthly basis, Sence announces the available courses through its official channels. 

If you are a worker or a company that is looking to train, it will depend on the course selected. However, many of the courses presented on the Sence website expire in 2024. 

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