High-impact Excel Training

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Discover our learning proposition

Our platform integrates with Microsoft Excel, allowing your teams to learn while receiving real-time feedback from their exercises.

Integrated with Microsoft

Real-world learning environment in Microsoft Excel.


Real-time Feedback

Continuous feedback and Microsoft Certified Trainers online.

High-Impact training

Learning by doing method + Gamification.

Adaptable to work life
100% online with Microlearning content.

Discover our learning proposition

Our platform integrates with Microsoft Excel, allowing your teams to learn while receiving real-time feedback from their exercises.

Integrated with Microsoft

Real-world learning environment in Microsoft Excel.


Real-time Feedback

Continuous feedback and Microsoft Certified Trainers online.

High-Impact training

Learning by doing method + Gamification.

Adaptable to work life
100% online with Microlearning content.

Discover our learning proposition

Our platform integrates with Microsoft Excel, allowing your teams to learn while receiving real-time feedback from their exercises.

Integrated with Microsoft

Real-world learning environment in Microsoft Excel.


Real-time Feedback

Continuous feedback and Microsoft Certified Trainers online.

High-Impact training

Learning by doing method + Gamification.

Adaptable to work life
100% online with Microlearning content.

Transform management of your training programs

Our administration environment is designed to create, manage, and track the entire training experience. Evaluate, train, and analyze your employees with Ninja Excel.

This is the real reason why our clients love us. The number speaks for themselves


Trained Ninjas


Initiated courses





Are you ready to train your employees?​

Schedule a call with us and let’s talk!
