Ninja Excel BlogExcel Conditional FormattingConditional formatting: Highlight values quickly

Conditional formatting: Highlight values quickly

colored markers

What is conditional formatting in Excel?

He CONDITIONAL FORMAT is an Excel tool that allows you to automatically apply a certain format to those cells that meet certain requirements. This allows you to find and highlight values more quickly and visually.   

What is conditional formatting for?

  • Purpose:  El formato condicional cambia la apariencia de las celdas en función de si cumple una condición.  En el caso de no cumplir la condición, la celda mantendrá el formato original. 
  • Characteristics: Rules that are created for conditional formatting can be cell value-based or formula-based rules.
  • Advantages: Facilita el proceso de resaltar celdas o analizar datos de manera visual.  Además, permite encontrar los valores buscados rápidamente.

This tool can be used on any type of data matrix, even pivot tables

Tip Ninja: If you want to know more about pivot tables, we recommend you visit this article.

Another common use of conditional formatting is to highlight alternating rows. If you want to learn how to do it, we recommend visiting this Blog.

How to apply conditional formatting in Excel?

To apply conditional formatting to certain data, the first thing you must do is select the data and then, on the Home tab, within the Styles group, select the “Conditional formatting” button, as shown in the following image.

Types of conditional formats

Then you choose the type of conditional formatting you want and that's it!

Types of conditional formats

There are different types of conditional formats in Excel, in this article you will learn how to use the six most common ones.  

Rules for highlighting cells

Using the Conditional Formatting “Cell Highlighting Rules” tool, you can highlight cells that meet certain requirements, such as the following:

  • Is greater/less than: Highlights those cells with values greater/less than the determined one.
  • Between: Highlights those cells whose value is between two specific values.
  • Is equal to:  Destaca aquellas celdas que contengan el mismo valor que el determinado.
  • Text containing:  Destaca aquellas celdas que contengan el mismo texto determinado. 
  • A date: Highlights those cells that correspond to the given date, for example, yesterday.
  • Duplicate values: Will highlight those cells that have identical values.

From each of these conditional formatting modes you can choose the format you want, such as font color, cell background, borders, among others.

Conditional formatting rules for highlighting cells

To understand how this type of Excel conditional formatting works, let's look at a simple example. Let's consider the following list of people with their respective ages. Suppose we want to highlight in yellow those ages over 50 years old.

1. Select the range of cells that contains the ages.

How to use excel conditional formatting with ruler form to highlight cells. Shows the data used and cell selection

2. In the “Home” tab, click on “Conditional formatting”

How to Find Excel Conditional Formatting in the Options Menu

3. As we are looking to highlight certain cells, click on “Rules for highlighting cells”. A new menu of options will open, but since we are looking for ages over 50, we must click on “Is older than…”

How to use excel conditional formatting with ruler form to highlight cells of type greater than. Shows the data used and cell selection

4. A dialog box called “Is greater than” will open. In it we must write the determined requirement, in this case, since the age must be greater than 50, we must write the number “50”. It also gives us the option to choose the type of format, in our case, we want it to stand out in yellow, therefore, we choose the second option.

How to use excel conditional formatting with ruler form to highlight cells of the greater than form. Displays the greater than dialog box and shows the value we are looking for and the type of padding we want, in this case, yellows and the cell selection

5. Click “Accept”.

How to use excel conditional formatting with ruler form to highlight cells in the greater than form. Shows cells highlighted in yellow.

We can see that the conditional formatting highlighted in yellow only those cells that contain an age greater than 50. 

6. If an age value changes, Excel Conditional Formatting will check to see if it is greater than 50, and if it is, it will automatically highlight that cell. For example, if we change Juan Vargas' age to 65, we can see that he will be highlighted in yellow.

What about excel conditional formatting with the rule form to highlight cells in the form greater than if we change the value of a cell.

Upper and lower rules

Using the “Rules for higher or lower values” tool in conditional formatting, you can highlight cells that meet certain requirements, such as the following:

  • top 10:  Destaca aquellas celdas que contengan los 10 valores con mayor valor dentro del rango de celdas.  Además, da la opción de cambiar el número 10 por cualquier otro.
  • 10% of higher values: The 10% of the total cells containing the largest values will be highlighted.
  • bottom 10:  Destaca aquellas celdas que contengan los 10 valores con menor valor dentro del rango de celdas.  Además, da la opción de cambiar el número 10 por cualquier otro.
  • 10% lower values: The 10% of the total cells that contain the smallest values will stand out.
  • Above average: It will highlight those cells that are greater than the average of the selected cells.
  • Below average: It will highlight those cells that are less than the average of the selected cells.
Conditional formatting rules for upper and lower values

Continuing with the example, now we want to know those ages that are above the average age.

1. Select the range of cells that contains the ages.

How the upper and lower rules of Excel conditional formatting work. Show selected cells

1. In the “Home” tab, click on “Conditional formatting”, then click on “Rules for upper or lower values”. A new menu of options will open, but since we are looking for those ages above average we must click on “Above average…”

How the upper and lower rules of Excel conditional formatting work. Shows where the button and option are located above average

2. A dialog box called “Above average” will open, in which we must choose the type of format, in our case, we want it to stand out in red, therefore, we choose the first option.

How the upper and lower rules of Excel conditional formatting work. Shows where the button is located and the option above average and the color selected to highlight

3. Click “Accept”

How the upper and lower rules of Excel conditional formatting work. Shows the result we get from the above average option

We can see that the conditional formatting highlighted in red only those ages that are above the average.    

data bars

This type of conditional formatting allows you to create a small graph for each value which makes it easier to compare values. Each value is represented in a new cell, where its length will depend on the corresponding value and will be relative to the rest of the values.   

Conditional formatting of data bars

To better understand this type of conditional formatting, let's apply it to our ages example. We want to see how the ages of each person look graphically in comparison to the other ages.

  1. Select the range of cells that contains the ages.
  2. En la pestaña “Inicio” haz click en “Formato condicional”, luego haz click en “Barras de datos”.  Se abrirá un nuevo menú de opciones con diferentes colores a elegir, nosotros elegiremos el celeste degradado.
  3. Ready! We can see that the highest value, that is, Rosa's age, is the one with the longest bar and from this value the bars will have a smaller size.
example of conditional data bar formatting

color scales

This type of conditional formatting allows you to modify the background of a cell according to its proximity to the maximum and minimum values within the selected data range. The tone of each cell will depend on the proximity to either of these two extremes. 

Conditional formatting in Excel for color scales

To better understand this type of conditional formatting, let's apply it to our ages example.

  1. Select the range of cells that contains the ages.
  2. En la pestaña “Inicio” haz click en “Formato condicional”, luego haz click en “Escalas de color”.  Se abrirá un nuevo menú de opciones con diferentes colores a elegir, nosotros elegiremos la primera opción que consiste en los tonos entre verde y rojo.
  3. Listo! Podemos ver que el valor más alto, Rosa, es la que tiene la barra verde y la menor, Viviana, la barra roja.  Las demás edades varían sus tonos dependiendo que tan cercanos son a estos valores.
Excel conditional formatting example in color scale

Icon Sets

Icon set conditional formatting allows you to mark those cells with the icons you want depending on the values of the data set we have.

Excel conditional formatting of icon sets

Let's apply this format to our example to understand better.

  1. Select the range of cells that contains the ages.
  2. En la pestaña “Inicio” haz click en “Formato condicional”, luego haz click en “Conjunto de iconos”.  Se abrirá un nuevo menú de opciones con diferentes colores y formas a elegir, nosotros elegiremos la primera opción que consiste en el conjunto de tres flechas.
  3. Listo! Podemos ver que las flechas varían su color dependiendo de qué tan alto es el valor de la edad.  La edad de Rosa que es a mayor tiene una flecha verde, en cambio, la menor, Viviana, tiene una flecha roja. 
Example of Excel Conditional Formatting of Icon Sets

Conditional formatting with formulas

Another way to use Excel's conditional formatting is to apply a formula, where Excel will highlight those cells that meet the given formula. We must know that formulas in conditional format must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE.

Now, we want to know those ages that are odd. For this, we must use the IS.ODD function, this function returns TRUE if the number is odd and FALSE if it is even. 

1. Select the range of cells that contains the ages.

How Excel conditional formatting works with formulas. Show selected cells

2. In the “Home” tab, click on “Conditional formatting”, then click on “New rule”

How conditional formatting works with Excel formula. Shows where the button is located.

3. A dialog box called “New formatting rule” will open within the list of options, we must select “Use a formula that determines the cells to apply formatting.”

How conditional formatting works with Excel formula. Shows where the button is located and the formula we will use

4. In the lower box we must insert the function, in this case, IS.ODD.

How conditional formatting works with Excel formula. Shows where the button is located and the formula that we will use IS.ODD

That is, the IS.ODD function is as follows:

IS.ODD formula that we use for Excel conditional formatting with formula

Tip Ninja: En la fórmula siempre se debe escribir la celda superior izquierda del rango seleccionado.  El formato condicional copiará esta fórmula para las demás celdas seleccionadas.

5. Click on the “Format…” button

shows how to change the format of a formula conditional formatting rule

6. A new dialog box called “Format Cells” will open, here you can choose the color with which the cells will stand out, the type of border, the font, among others. We choose a light blue fill color.

shows the options for conditional formatting with excel formula. Shows colors, font and border

7. Click “OK” in both dialog boxes.

Result obtained from the Excel conditional format with the ES.ODD formula

We can see that the conditional formatting with formula highlighted only those cells with odd ages in light blue. 

Let's look at another example. Now, we want to know those people with the last name “Soto”, for this, we must use a formula that tells the conditional format to search in the last name cells, those that contain the word “Soto”.

1. Select the cells that contain the last names.

How Excel conditional formatting works with formulas. Show selected cells

2. As in the previous example, click on “Conditional formatting”, then “New rule”. In the dialog box called “New Formatting Rule” within the list of options, click “Use a formula that determines which cells to format.” In the lower box we must write the formula.

shows how to change the format of a formula conditional formatting rule

That is, the formula is the following:

Formula we use for excel conditional formatting with formula

The formula will tell the rule to highlight those cells that are equal to the word “Soto”

Tip Ninja: Remember that, when searching for a text value, we must write it in quotes, otherwise Excel will not recognize it.

3. We choose a format for the highlight. In this case, we choose the color green.

4. We click on “Accept”.

Result obtained from excel conditional formatting with the formula

We can see that the conditional formatting highlighted in green those cells that contain the word “Soto”, in this case, only one person has the last name Soto.

Tip Ninja:  Si la fórmula utilizada devuelve un error en alguna celda, te recomendamos utilizar la función SI.ERROR o la función SI.ND.  Estas funciones permiten controlar los errores.

If you want to learn more about this Excel tool, we recommend you watch the following video. In it you can learn more ways to use conditional formatting.

Clear conditional formatting rules

To delete used conditional formatting rules, Excel allows you to delete only some or all of the conditional formatting rules on the sheet.

1. Select the range of cells that contains the conditional formatting rule, in this case, the ages.

excel conditional formatting Shows how to delete the rules

2. In the “Home” tab select “Conditional formatting”

excel conditional formatting Shows how to clear rules and where conditional formatting is located

3. Click on “Delete rules”. A new menu of options will open, but since we want to delete the rule that we put on the ages, we must click on “Delete rules from selected cells”

Shows where the button is located to delete or delete conditional formatting from a range of cells or the entire sheet

Tip Ninja: If you have many conditional formatting rules, we recommend clicking on “Delete rules from the entire sheet”, this way all the rules will be deleted automatically.

4. We can see that no cell in our data table is highlighted.

result of deleting or deleting the conditional formatting or rules used

Examples of conditional formats

Highlight duplicate cells with color

Excel's conditional formatting also allows us to highlight duplicates in our data. This option works for all types of data, whether numbers, texts, dates, among others. 

Let's look at an example where we have the amount sold to each client within a month. We would like to know who are the customers who buy more than once a month. To highlight duplicate values, follow these steps:

  1. Select the data you want to analyze.
Examples of conditional formats
  1. En la pestaña “Inicio” haz click en “Formato condicional”, luego haz click en “Resaltar reglas de celdas”.  Se abrirá un nuevo menú de opciones y haz click en “Valores duplicados”.
Examples of conditional formats
  1. A “Duplicate Values” text box will open, choose the format you want and click OK.
Examples of conditional formats
  1. Listo! Vemos que algunas celdas se destacaron en color rojo porque tienen un valor que se repite al menos de una vez.  Las celdas que no se destacaron es porque contiene un valor que no se repite. 
Examples of conditional formats

We can see that those customers who buy more than once are Ana, Gabriel and Laura.

Example 2

Suppose we have the maximum temperature for the month of January in different years and we want to analyze whether the temperature has been increasing or decreasing year by year.

Examples of conditional formats

For this we can use various types of conditional formatting, but to see it visually, we will use the color scale format. 

  1. We select the maximum temperatures in January.
  2. Then we click on “Conditional formatting”, then on “Color scales”
  3. Generalmente representamos las altas temperaturas con el color rojo y las bajas temperaturas al azul, es por esto que elegimos la escala de color que contiene aquellos colores.  Es importante saber que el color que aparece arriba será asociado a los números más altos y el de abajo a los valores menores, por esto, elegimos la escala que comienza en rojo y termina en azul. 
Examples of conditional formats
  1. Ready! We can see that, although the temperature increases and decreases over the years, there is a certain increase in temperature.
Examples of conditional formats

Example 3

Suppose we have a database with the personal data of different people and we need to know who are men and over 20 years old.

Examples of conditional formatsWe can see that we must make two conditional formats, one for sex and another for age.

Let's start with the format for sex. For this we can use “Rules to highlight cells” and use the “Equals” format. 

  1. We select the sex data range and within Rules to highlight cells we click on “Equals”.
  2. In the text box we must say that we want to highlight those cells that are equal to “Man”, therefore, we write =”Man”.
Examples of conditional formats
  1. We click on Accept and that's it, we already have those male people highlighted in red.

Examples of conditional formatsNow, to identify people older than 20 years old, we can use the “Rules for highlighting cells” format type and use the “Is older than” format.

  1. We select the age data range and within Rules to highlight cells we click on “Is older than”.
  2. In the text box we must say that we want to highlight those cells that are greater than 20, therefore, we write 20.   
Examples of conditional formats
  1. We click on Accept and that's it, we already have those people who are over 20 years old highlighted in yellow.

Examples of conditional formatsNow we can see who are men and are over 20 years old since they must have both cells highlighted, therefore, we know that Tomás, Pablo and Martín meet both requirements. 


Excel conditional formatting is a very useful tool as it serves to highlight data that meets specific conditions by applying a selected format such as color, size, font, among others. In addition, it allows you to quickly and visually identify duplicate data. 

Frequent questions

When to use conditional formatting in Excel?

Conditional formatting in Excel is useful when we need to analyze certain values as it allows you to highlight cells that meet certain criteria. For example, for a company it may be necessary to highlight in red those accounts with a negative balance in order to quickly identify losses. 

What are the advantages of using conditional formatting?

Excel's conditional formatting makes it easy to highlight cells or analyze data visually. In this way, it allows you to find the values you are looking for quickly. Additionally, this tool can be used on any type of data matrix, even pivot tables.

Frequent questions

How do you use conditional formatting in Excel?

To use conditional formatting we must create rules for the formats, this way if that rule is met the cell format will change to the format that we previously defined.

How many conditional functions are there in Excel?

There are 6 default conditional functions in Excel: COUNTIF. ADD IF. ADD. YEAH. SET. COUNT. YEAH. SET. AVERAGE.YES. AVERAGE. YEAH. SET.

What is conditional formatting and what is it for?

Conditional formatting is a way to highlight cells that meet certain criteria. This way, for example, we can give a different visual format and highlight important data.

What are conditional functions?

Conditional functions in Excel are those that perform an action every time a condition or criterion that you have determined is met.

Fernanda is a strategy and development analyst, she trained as a commercial engineer at the Universidad Católica de Chile and also as a mathematics professor at the Universidad de los Andes.
