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Benefits of creating a database in Microsoft Excel

Illustration working with data

Having databases in Excel represents an excellent resource in any area that requires the storage and consultation of information frequently.

What is a database in Excel?

The concept of database refers to any collection of data belonging to the same context, stored and organized systematically for consultation. Nowadays we manage them digitally, that is, through software and one of them is Microsoft Excel.

The knowledge necessary to use Excel to build a database you can buy them at Ninja Excel Advanced Course.

What elements should a Microsoft Excel database contain?

Structuring a database in Excel involves taking into account a series of elements that will shape it. They are the following: 

  • Tables: data tables in Excel are the containers where databases are structured. They are made up of rows (records) and columns (categories).
  • Primary Key: is the unique data used to identify each row or record.
  • Queries: allow you to extract specific data from tables to display them on a sheet and in Excel they are done through a function.
  • Filters: provide the possibility of detailing the information we want to see in the database.
  • Macros and modules: these are additional elements that we can integrate into the database to expand its functionalities.

Why use an Excel database in a company?

Companies with small and medium volumes of data can rely on Excel databases. There are many examples where Excel databases represent the best alternative for a company and here we discuss some of them.

Human Resources Database in Excel

Managing databases in Excel for an HR office is a great support for recording information about employees. Considering the elements we mentioned before, it is possible to store personal and work data and also data corresponding to your performance and absenteeism.

Product Database in Excel

This format will help you store products in a warehouse or store, identify them with their barcode or a personalized ID, and easily check their availability.

Sales Database in Excel

Excel can help us with the creation of a Sales database, using the invoice number as the primary key. This allows you to quickly consult any transaction and find its related information.

Excel Customer Database

If you have a sales database in Excel, you can also relate it to a customer database. This type of database will allow you to maintain contact with your customers, segment them and propose solutions to recover inactive customers.

What are the advantages of using Microsoft Excel for databases?

The management of database in Microsoft Excel It can bring considerable benefits to any business that is handling small and medium volumes of information. 

Stored data

The databases in Excel They offer a favorable environment for storing the data we need in any context. In addition, it provides the possibility of establishing the necessary relationships between rows, columns and tables.

Structured information

The columns of the databases in Excel They refer to the categories of stored information, forming a structure. This will allow us to apply the filters and searches we want to access the required information.

Analysis of data

The tools of Excel They offer the possibility of using graphs and dynamic tables for data analysis. However, you can also use other tools or integrate modules to obtain more advanced results.

Collaborative work

A great advantage of database management in Excel is the possibility of collaborative work from its online version. Thus, two or more users can access the same table.


Excel is a flexible solution for managing small and medium-sized databases. Adding new fields is simple and the Office package is very popular allowing it to be opened on any computer.

Easy to use

One of the great achievements of Excel has been the fact that it is an advanced tool, but easy to use. Although there are somewhat complex processes, it is enough to study them to carry them out.

Related questions

How do Excel macros help databases?

Macros can be seen as plugins or add-ons that enhance the usefulness of the database in Microsoft Excel. In that sense, it is possible from generating reports to automating certain tasks with the integration of macros.

How to create database queries in Excel?

First select the data source from the “Get information” from the “Data” tab. The wizard will then take you through a process that continues with selecting the columns and rows you want to display. Finally, decide if you want to organize them and where you will place it in the Excel sheet.

What are the most used Excel functions in databases?

The most common functions that we can find in an Excel database are the following: 
• BDCOUNT: counts the numeric type records that meet a condition.
• BDCOUNTA: counts records that meet a condition without considering blank cells.
• BDDESVEST: calculates the standard deviation.
• BDDESVESTP: calculates the standard deviation considering the entire database.
• BDEXTRAER: extracts a record that meets the established conditions.
• BDMAX: Displays the maximum number of records that meet a condition.
• BDMIN: shows the minimum number of records that meet a condition.
• BDAVG: calculates the average of the values in a column that meets a condition.

Graduate in Social Communication and Journalist. Mainly creative before everything. Now writing about Excel and Human Resources for the common man.
