Crea, gestiona y administra toda la experiencia de tus capacitaciones en Excel

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Discover our new environment for Ninja Excel trainers

We present to you a platform designed for those who do Excel training. From now on, you will be able to manage the entire training experience autonomously and simply.

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What will you find in your Ninja Excel profile?

Evaluate your collaborators

With our module Ninja Excel Test You will be able to efficiently evaluate the level of knowledge of your collaborators in the use of Excel and make informed decisions to improve their performance and that of your company.

Find out how we can help you take your team to the next level.

Know the impact of your training

By monitoring the progress of your collaborators, you will be able to measure the impact of your training initiatives on team performance. Additionally, you will identify team members who need support, along with effective training to achieve their objectives. You will be able to export valuable data to have a detailed view of the performance of each of your collaborators.

Historical view of your processes with Ninja Excel

With Ninja Excel, you will have access to a historical database of your training processes, including courses and certificates. You will be able to see the evolution and improvement of your collaborators in their skills and knowledge. You will identify the strengths and opportunities for improvement in the training and professional development of your team.

Make decisions based on your collaborators' data

New monitoring reports for Excel diagnostic evaluations. Know what needs to be reinforced and what the skills of your team are.

Everything ready to start?

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